Thursday, April 9, 2009

I don't like the way that felt

Today was my first Failure with No S, and it hasn't even been a week. I did well most of the day. For breakfast I had a simple plate of 2 scrambled eggs, a piece of toast and 2 pieces of bacon. Then I spent the rest of the day with my boyfriend, We went out to Lunch, which was the first time i'd been out to eat all week. It was ok, I got a Smoked Turkey Wrap with a side of fruit, which was delicious, I only ate half the wrap and I even said no when my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to split a piece of Key Lime Pie (my favorite!). So far so good.

Then we walked around Colonial Williamsburg and he wanted to go to the Candy store, the fact that it wasn't an S day didn't even cross his mind so knowing that he really wanted to go I braced myself and we went in. When we opened the door the smell of sugar just about knocked me over (which never would have phased me before) and the first thing I saw were huge delicious looking strawberries dipped in chocolate! Everything that I would have normally said "Absolutely!" to I walked away from. So despite wanting to walk away with the entire store we bought a box of Maple Sugar candies which ingredients consist of Maple Syrup and Cane Sugar (That's All!!) and 2 Cadbury Eggs. I told him I wasn't going to eat any of it but when we left he said he had bought them for us to share, so when we got back to the car after a ton of protesting I broke down and had one of the smallest Maple Candy pieces, which was to die for by the way, and I put my Cadbury Egg in my purse to save for Easter. I didn't feel terrible but it wasn't until I got home that I realized that I would have to be honest with myself and put a Failure for the day on my HabitCal.

Then when Dinner rolled around mom was really craving Pizza, so we went to Azzurri which is the little Italian Restaurant by our house and got a pizza with a side order of French Fries. Not Ideal, but doable I suppose. I had one slice and a handful of fries on my plate and stopped after that, the rest were leftovers.

So everything was great until right after Lunch, then it was all pretty downhill. I stuck to the diet when it came to the meals but it was that one piece of candy that threw me off and it was definitely enough to make me feel bad.

I still haven't gotten out for a walk yet but I know I need to get moving so hopefully one day in the near future (if not sometime today) it'll just hit me and I'll be ready to walk everyday

just on a side note, those little candies are soooo rich and one is really enough, but when I read the serving size it was 5!! Before I probably wouldn't have a huge problem with eating the whole box but 5 of those things would be way too much for me now. I can see how the No S is really effecting the way I look at food and I didn't know there was anything wrong with the way I looked at it before. This is Awesome! =)

1 comment:

  1. Just don't let it turn into an eating disorder.
    I battled one not too long ago, and I still haven't completely fought my demons off.
    It starts as just a diet, and then you constantly start thinking about food, and then you feel guilty for eating anything out of the norm. I promise you, an eating disorder can ruin your life, and once you have it, it doesn't really go away. You may be able to control it, but it's not gone. You also don't have to stop eating or anything to have an eating disorder.

    Honestly, having a piece of candy isn't bad at all. Sure, it's out of the rules, but are you really going to go the rest of your life NEVER having sweets on anything but special days and the weekends?

    The whole reason for the No S Diet is so that we can gain control over our appetites. Anything is fine as long as it isn't in excess. The No S Diet is mostly for those who like a couple huge slices of cake every day. Not the people who eat a little candy every couple days.

    I hope I'm not coming off as rude, I'm just warning you about the problems that arise when you pay TOO much attention to what you eat, you know?

    Good luck.
